John Legend shares how he and Chrissy Teigen joined that unofficial Joe Biden parade

Alexa, play 'Dancing In The Streets.'
November 10, 2020 9:33 a.m. EST
November 10, 2020 10:58 a.m. EST
About 76 million Americans (final numbers still pending) were celebrating this past weekend when it was announced that Joe Biden had officially won the US Presidential election along with VP-elect Senator Kamala Harris. With block parties erupting on the streets, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen decided that when it comes to such a rare and special moment, go big or go home. So, as John told it on Late Night With Seth Meyers (weekdays at 12:35 on CTV2) Monday night, they left home.“We were feeling the energy around us, and seeing on social media so many people out honking their horns and celebrating,” he explained from his home via video-chat, “and we were like, ‘Let’s get out of the house, let’s go and interact with the people!’”
“So we went out to West Hollywood, Santa Monica Boulevard,” he continued. “There was an impromptu dance party happening and we drove through a little bit and celebrated with the crowd.”As some of the videos and pictures that circulated around Twitter this past weekend show, the Legend-Teigen household was truly feeling the crowds and the excitement on the streets. We’re so delighted to see Chrissy and John smiling and laughing, especially since their recent public pregnancy loss which they documented and spoke very bravely about on social media and in the press. After a brief hiatus from the public eye, the couple is back to sharing many aspects of their life with their fans.John has returned to The Voice (Mondays and Tuesdays at 8pET on CTV2) where he's still his charming self-deprecating self. With strict COVID-19 safety protocols and measures in place to keep everyone safe in studio, John explained how he found a way to make the physically distanced experience just a bit physically ridiculous.Mentioning how co-host Gwen Stefani used a T-shirt cannon on her selectees, John took a slightly creepier approach by putting a green rubber hand on a stick to shake the hands of contestants.“I took a substantially inferior approach,” he laughed. “You can see how creepy it looks, and I make fun of myself and my glove for the entire season, and deservedly so.”[video_embed id='2068942']RELATED: John Legend calls out rappers who’ve supported Trump [/video_embed]Now in his fourth season on the show, John also couldn’t help but gush about the quality and calibre of Voice contestants this year.“The talent hasn't changed a bit. In fact, I've said that this year's blind auditions were the best group of singers I've seen on the show!”With his new album Bigger Love already out, John was also feeling the “good news” about a possible COVID-19 vaccine on the horizon, and hoped that by August 2021 (which is the new date for his August 2020 postponed tour), the world would return to a state of normalcy.Later, when he performed his most recent single “Wild,” he explained that it’s “a song about being in love and being passionate,” calling it a personal fave of Chrissy’s who also featured in the video. Being in love and passionate is also an excellent reason for dancing in the streets.Watch Late Night With Seth Meyers weekdays at 12:35 on CTV2.[video_embed id='-1']BEFORE YOU GO: Typical morning discussion between husky and owner [/video_embed]

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