Michelle Obama just had to shut down Jimmy Kimmel’s sex question YET AGAIN

Jimmy, can you not?
March 17, 2021 9:50 a.m. EST
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We’re just gonna come out and say it – Jimmy Kimmel is ob-sessed with the Obamas. To be fair, most of us are. They’re perhaps one of the most (if not *the* most) capable and attractive power couples to ever hit the political stage. 

But ever since Jimmy Kimmel hosted the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2012 and high-fived the former POTUS, we think he actually thinks he’s, like, besties with Barack and Michelle. Because over the past couple years, every time he has an Obama within his grasp, he asks this same inappropriate sex question, much to the discomfort of everyone in the room. Luckily, this time, Michelle was not having it.

As Michelle joined him on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night over video chat to talk about her new children’s show Waffles & Mochi, Jimmy decided this was yet again the perfect opportunity to ask this NSFW question. 

“A couple of years ago, I interviewed you in Tacoma, Washington in front of a big group of people. You were on your book tour and we had a great talk it was a lot of fun and everyone was very excited to see you," Jimmy began. "I asked you a question that night and I actually asked your husband this question as well and he kicked it back to you. I asked you that on the night that SEAL Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden at your husband's order, did you and your husband make love that night to celebrate?”

Michelle, ever the consummate professional, never lost her cool or her composure. Instead, willing to show she’s a good sport, she flipped the entire question on its head.

“I have to tell your audience that for some very sick reason,” she began with Jimmy’s skeleton crew in the studio already audibly laughing, “you are very obsessed with this portion of that major historical event in a way that no one else -- no one in the history of all the conversations I’ve had – has anybody drilled down on this particular point like you Jimmy Kimmel. So I turn that back on you!”

“That's my version of self-reflection,” he admitted. Good Jimmy, the first step is admitting you have a problem.

“That's why you want to know!” the former FLOTUS continued with a smirk. “You're still that little boy in your bedroom under the cover with the flashlight going, ‘I hope nobody sees me.’”

“Actually it was a propane torch and that's why the house burned down but yes.” 

You might recall, back in November when former POTUS Barack Obama appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in the wake of Joe Biden’s election win, Jimmy put this bonkers question to Barack, who also raised an eyebrow at this weird fascination Jimmy has with the Obamas.

“Did she say she was going to answer that?” he asked, looking over his shoulder as if he was being punk’d. But to our surprise, later on he actually offered a bit more info than we expected

“I suspect that she was asleep. Because the truth of the matter is most of the time, by the time I was done working, she'd be snoozing. Michelle goes to bed about nine o'clock.”

When Jimmy told him he didn’t have to “make excuses” Obama responded, “it's not an excuse, it's a lament.”

Why, Jimmy? Just, why do you need to know this? Does it help you sleep at night? Just staaahhhhp.

Luckily, Michelle was able to steer this conversation back to the topic at hand – her new children’s show Waffles & Mochi (Yes, that’s right, this question arose when they were supposed to be talking about a children’s show, but that’s a debate for another day).

Waffles & Mochi is a food show for kids to get them more interested in what’s on their plate, especially since we all know kids can be finicky eaters. So Jimmy set his 6-year-old daughter Jane who “doesn’t really like to try new things” upon Michelle to see if Michelle could convince finicky Jane to eat a slice of carrot.

“Can I get you to try a vegetable? Just try it!”

“I can’t! I can’t! I just don’t want to!” Jane protested. “Dad, no!” When Jimmy took Michelle’s advice to cut the carrots up into small bites, Jane looked like she was strapped to a torture device, but then Jimmy’s son Billy appeared and grabbed the carrots off the plate and downed them in one.

“Well, this was an epic fail!” Michelle laughed. At least we still have Waffles & Mochi to wash away the aftertaste of this interview. 

BEFORE YOU GO: Michelle Obama weighs in on the Harry, Meghan, royals situation

[video_embed id='2161541']BEFORE YOU GO: Michelle Obama weighs in on the Harry, Meghan, royals situation [/video_embed]

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