New virtual performance series is highlighting Canadian talent

‘First Up with RBCxMusic’ is providing a platform for emerging musicians during the pandemic.
June 26, 2020 10:02 a.m. EST
June 26, 2020 10:38 a.m. EST
This is an initiative you should pay attention to! ‘First Up with RBCxMusic’ is a virtual performance series started to help emerging Canadian talent during this time of uncertainty. Many musicians have been hit hard financially since the pandemic began. RBCxMusic wanted to help provide a platform so they can continue to work and share their art with others.Here’s how it works - every Monday for the next few months, RBCxMusic will announce a new set of performers – and the shows will take place from Thursday to Sunday.  To take part and watch, all you have to do is follow RBCxMusic on Instagram.  Then, you can watch the performances as they happen or catch up on IGTV to see the ones you’ve missed.  It’s a great way of discovering new talent.Musicians will all be paid for their performances and RBCxMusic will help them with promotional support and access to mentorship opportunities with established artists.

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